أبوظبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 15 سبتمبر 2023 – تم بحضور ممثلين من EFQMوالقيادة العامة لشرطة أبوظبي الإعلان عن النسخة الثانية المنتظرة لمؤتمر EFQM في الشرق الأوسط والمزمع عقده في إمارة أبو ظبي في الفترة من 11 إلى 12 أكتوبر 2023. العميد جاسم الهرمودي نائب مدير مركز الاستراتيجية والتطوير المؤسسي راسل لونجميور الرئيس التنفيذي استناداً […]

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ABU DHABI, UAE – African Media Agency – 15 September 2023 – EFQM and Abu Dhabi Police officials, held a signing ceremony to announce the forthcoming 2nd Edition of The EFQM Middle East Summit, which will unfold in Abu Dhabi under the auspices of the Abu Dhabi Police on 11th and 12th October 2023 Brigadier Jasim Alharmoodi Deputy Director […]

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Basseterre, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St Kitts and Nevis has been recognised as the best CBI destination in the 2023 edition of the CBI Index, trumping 11 other countries with active citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes. The country, which has made several sweeping changes to its CBI Programme in the last year, took […]

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ABOU DABI, Émirats arabes unis, 15 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sous la nouvelle étiquette de « Congrès AIM », le comité d’organisation de l’une des plus grandes plateformes d’investissement au monde accueillera cette année encore des dirigeants régionaux et internationaux, des décideurs d’élite et des pionniers à l’occasion de la 13e édition de la réunion annuelle […]

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ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sob a sua nova identidade enquanto “AIM Congress“, a comissão organizadora da plataforma de investimentos líder a nível mundial junta, mais uma vez, os líderes, pensadores e inovadores regionais e internacionais na 13.a edição do evento que irá ocorrer de 7 a 9 de […]

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Marked a milestone in the Golden Age for Middle East and Hong Kong relations  The UAE Minister of Economy led a delegation to the Hong Kong Science Park as part of his itinerary in Hong Kong for the Eighth Belt and Road Summit. 10 companies met with the delegation which included meetings with Emirati corporations […]

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