Apesokubi Traditional Area reacts to Apesokubi land ownership claim by Akposso

Okogyeaman Asiedu Koram II, Paramount Chief of Apesokubi Traditional Area, has reacted to claims by some Akposso descendants in Apesokubi that they are indigenous inhabitants of the area.

The Paramount Chief alleged that they were descendants of some Akposso immigrants from the Republic of Togo, who settled in the Apesokubi Traditional Area in Ghana mainly as farmhands during the early parts of the 20th century and not indigenous inhabitants as they claimed.

This is contained in a press release from the Apesokubi Traditional Authority copied to the Ghana News Agency.

According to the statement, based on oral tradition and historical facts, both proven and verifiable, the claims of the Akposso immigrants were false.

‘We have detailed particulars of some of the pioneer Akposso immigrants in Apesokubi Traditional Area, their immediate ancestry, and the several different towns, villages and areas in Togo as their places of origin and the landlords who hosted them when they arrived in Apesokubi in Ghana,’ the
statement said.

It noted that all available historical evidence established that the indigenous inhabitants of Apesokubi Traditional Area were Akans whose forebears acquired the area by conquest and settlement more than 300 years.

‘It is unfortunate, frustrating and most regrettable that the hospitable nature of the Akan indigenous citizens in the Apesokubi Traditional Area is being taken for granted and repaid with ingratitude by the Akpossos,’ it added.

According to the statement, all pieces of legislation regarding membership of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs had always mentioned Apesokubi as a member.

‘Membership of the newly created Oti Regional House of Chiefs, made up of 26 Paramount Chiefs, also include the Paramount Chief of Apesokubi, a name that is consistent with well-established and long usage and practice,’ the statement added.

The Akposso community reportedly organised a press conference earlier claiming they were the indigenous inhabitants of the area and rightful landowners in the ar

They said the area was called Akposso-kubi and not Apesokubi and that they were the rightful chiefs and traditional authorities in the area.

‘Following the defeat of Germany in the First World War, the Akposso traditional state/political district in German Togoland was partitioned into two between France and Britain, thereby placing one half portion in French Togoland (Republic of Togo) and the other half portion in British Togoland (Republic of Ghana),’ they added.

Apesokubi is located in the Biakoye District of the Oti region.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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