Apostle Dr Agbalenyo urges Church leaders to preach true Gospel

Apostle Dr Kadmiel E.H. Agbalenyo, the Founder and Leader of the Seventh Day Theocracy World Congregation, has urged church leaders to preach the true gospel to the youth so their lives will be transformed for the better.

He said it is only the true gospel that could help the youth to avoid vices such as alcoholism, intake of tramadol, smoking of Indian hemp and tobacco, homosexualism, and lesbianism that could also ruin their future.

‘There is the need for Christian leaders to preach the truth to the young ones for them to grow in Christianity and become good future leaders,’ Apostle Dr Agbalenyo advised.

Apostle Dr Agbalenyo, made the call in an interview with the Ghana News Agency when the Congregation ended their Pentecost Day celebration at Shallom -Otiakrom, near Aburi in the Eastern Region.

He charged his congregants and other Christians to abide by the ‘ten commandments,’ which was handed down to Moses, the Prophet on Mount Sinai as accounted by the Bible in Exodus 20:1-11, saying the commandment
s stood as a spiritual guide for mankind to live a righteous life for God’s spirit to lead them to the promise land.

He admonished Ghanaians to be wary of politicians who would entice them with money and promises to win their votes, as the general elections drew closer.

‘Do not allow these (politicians) who had already booked their flights to leave the country in any event of mayhem, to lure you with their promises,’ he said.

Apostle Dr Agbalenyo used the occasion to lunch his newspaper; the ‘Voice of Theocracy’ (VOT), which would publish scriptural activities and distributed across the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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