Ethiopia Ushers in New Year with Renewed Hope and Determination: PM Abiy

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said Ethiopia will be ushering in the coming New Year with renewed hope and determination.

In his New Year message, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed extended his best wishes for the country and its people.

Premier Abiy explained that there are chapters in our history that we are proud of, times in our lives that make us happy. For him, those chapters and times are nothing else and these times when we have made good use of the opportunity given to us.

Ethiopians are preparing to bid farewell to 2016 E.C and welcoming the New Year 2017 E.C with a sense of optimism and a renewed commitment to progress, Abiy emphasized.

According to the premier, time is an opportunity but using time is the result of work. We all are given equally but the difference is created by working and not working in time, the Prime Minister elaborated.

Recalling the previous year that has been marked by both challenges and triumphs, but the premier appreciated the nation’s resilience and determination that have ca
rried it forward, he added.

He emphasized the importance of seizing the opportunities presented by the incoming New Year (2024/25) and urged citizens to work together to address the nation’s challenges and build a brighter future for all.

As passage of time is inevitable and no one can halt its progression, the Prime Minister stressed the need for seizing the opportunity, adding that ‘it’s up to us to make the most of the moments it presents.’

Abiy also believed that the course of history is shaped not by mere circumstances, but by the actions of individuals and societies.

Thus, he underlined on the importance of shaping the times, not the other way around.

He further elaborated Ethiopia’s history is a testament to the power of human agency. While external forces can influence our path, our own actions ultimately determine our destiny.

He wished to make this new year of transformation by implementing the country’s plans, completing its mega projects successfully, resolving conflicts peacefully and add
ressing historical grievances.

‘We can create a brighter future for Ethiopia,’ the premier underscored, noting that, ‘making the year to heal past wounds, and build a foundation for a prosperous future and create a legacy that our children will be proud to inherit,’ he argued

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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