Gov’t of Azerbaijan Expresses Readiness to Enhance Cooperation with Ethiopia

State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, met at his office with the Chairman of Azerbaijani State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations (ASAN), Ulvi Mehdieyev.

The State Minister, during their conversation, commended the Azerbaijani Government for its keenness to cooperate with the Ethiopian Government on matters pertaining to public service delivery.

The Government of Ethiopia is interested to learn from the Azerbaijani experience to boost its multifaceted reforms in both at federal and regional states levels, the State Minister stressed.

Mehdieyev, on his part, expressed the readiness of his government to enhance cooperation in areas of mutual interest such as public service delivery as well as development assistance, education, tourism and cultural ties.

Diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Azerbaijan began in 1992.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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