Investment Commissioner Calls on Singapore Port Authorities to Engage in Logistics Investment in Ethiopia

Investment Commissioner Lelise Neme has called on the Port Authority of Singapore officials to find a way to engage in investment in Ethiopia and share their experience.

The commissioner made the call during her official visit to the port along with Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) CEO Aklilu Tadesse.

According to Industrial Parks Development Corporation, the discussion with officials of the authority was fruitful.

Investment Commissioner Lelise expressed on the occasion Ethiopia’s great interest in the sector and called on the officials of the authority to find a way to engage in investment in Ethiopia and share their experience.

IPDC CEO Aklilu pointed out on his part that the existence of efficient and effective logistics service is significant for the supply and export of raw materials for the manufacturing sector and industrial development.

The Port Authority of Singapore has 50+ years of experience and manages a port that has capacity to handle more than 200,000 containers at a time.

The port has the world’s number one container handling capacity and is performing efficient logistics operations.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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