NCCE Director commends EU for continuous support

The Yendi Municipal Director of the National Commission for Civil Education (NCCE) Mr Osman Kasim has praised the European Union (EU) for their continuous support of them.

He said the meeting formed part of the NCCE preventing and containing violent extremism (PCVE) Action in the northern region with the programme supported by the EU.

He said the prevalence of violent extremism and terrorism undermined the foundation of their society and threatened democratic governance.

Mr Osman made the remarks when he addressed the Yendi Municipal Inter-Party Dialogue Committee (IPDC) on preventing and containing violence extremism (PCVE) sponsored by the EU at Yendi in the Northern Region.

He reminded them that over the years Ghana had earned commendation for its successful conduct of peaceful presidential and parliamentary elections in Africa.

He said the 2024 elections represented not just a democratic exercise, but an indicator of their collective resolve to uphold the principles of democracy against the force of

The Reverend Fr Dr. Michael Cobb (PhD) Director of Yendi Peace Centre in presenting a PowerPoint conflict in Yendi, Violent extremism threats, way to detect youth radicalization and call to action said increased partisanship in the political landscape leading to the 2024 elections could compromise the existing peace and harmony the country was enjoying.

Fr. Cobb said extreme poverty in the eastern enclave of northern Ghana made people to manipulate them into accepting their ideologies and strategies.

He said the Narcotic Control and Northern Region Police Commander were addressing the escalating drug abuse menaces among the youth and school children and a local Volunteer Drugs Task Force had been formed in the area to fight the menace.

He said the Yendi Peace Centre had formed an Inter-ethnic committee to resolve their unresolved chieftaincy problems in the area and advised the Inter-Party Dialogue Committee Members to collaborate with the security to foster trust among political parties and th
e security with information sharing among youth women, community leaders, ethnic groups and the police in Yendi.

He urged them to discourage communities from hosting terrorist groups and encouraged robust community policing.

Mr. James Abdulai Ayala the Deputy Regional Director of NCCE said the NCCE in partnership with the EU had embarked on a proactive initiative to address the pressing concern of violent extremism.

He said through the Inter-Party Dialogue Committee meeting on peace, tolerance and containing violent extremism they aim to promote dialogue, collaboration and action among all stakeholders to avert the dangers posed by extremism.

He said what was happening in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso amongst others should give them a wake-up call to be alert and inform the security on what to do.

In his closing remarks ASP Benjamin Amole Ayesu said parents did not allow any parent to correct their children when they go wayward which had spoilt a lot of children and urged participants to inform their com
munities about what they had learnt.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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