Premier Says BRICS Summit Taking Place When Often Unheard Voices Are Striving to be Heard

The BRICS Summit is taking place at a critical moment in time when often unheard voices in the global arena are striving to be heard, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said in his speech on the final day of the summit.

“A reformed multilateralism entails inclusivity, cooperation and diversity of voices and interests by amplifying the voices from various corners of the globe,” the premier stated, adding that “we can collaboratively work for an equitable and peaceful world.

“In an interdependent world, collectivity is essential to adequately solve global challenges,” he underscored.

The many crises we have faced as a global community, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, have further exposed how cooperation is key for our collective survival, the PM said.

Hence, a growing and inclusive multilateralism is essential to overcome common challenges and Ethiopia is committed to further enhancing multilateralism towards inclusivity.

Abiy added that at this crucial time, promoting dialogue in harmony is highly critical for overall peace and prosperity.

Ethiopia has always been a champion and defender of multilateralism, he noted, pointing out that the “BRICS is indeed one key initiative responding to the repeated calls for a new and inclusive multilateralism.”

As a founding member of the League of Nations and the Organization of African Unity, Ethiopia’s engagement in the international stage has been quite meaningful and impactful, the premier stressed.

“Ethiopia is Africa’s second most populous country with around 120 million people, a greater majority of which are young and dynamic. This demographic dividend, if harnessed properly, can be a significant asset for cooperation to driving innovation, consumption, and providing a large work force. Located in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia also serves as a crucial gateway between Africa, the Middle East and wider Asia.”

According to Abiy, the efforts Ethiopia is making in intensive infrastructure development within and across the whole region is a testament to our endeavors towards regional integration.

Our strategic position could provide the BRICS with enhanced connectivity opportunities across these regions, the PM said.

Ethiopia’s substantial investment in roads, airlines, clean energy and telecom infrastructure not only demonstrate its ambition, but also our potential to be a hub of connectivity for the African continent. Our positioning offers a vital link to east Africa’s market and has a potential to foster a richer and more inclusive integration of the global economy.

“My country has also recorded one of the highest economic growth in Africa and has showcased its potential to become one of the continent’s largest economies. This growth is backed by a mix of agriculture, manufacturing and services, demonstrating a diversified and resilient economy.”

For the past five years, Ethiopia has also been in the driver’s seat to practical solutions to address climate change through its massive Green Legacy Initiative tree planting program.

The initiative launched in 2019 will be the largest afforestation program in the world when by 2026 we will have planted 50 billion trees in a total of 8 years. Until last week, we have already planted 32 billion tree seedlings, Abiy added. “Over the past two years our green legacy program has spread to neighboring countries in the Horn region as we collaboratively work on green diplomacy.”

Furthermore, the premier indicated that Ethiopia has been active participant of regional and international diplomacy, including its long standing contribution to UN peacekeeping mission.

“Our rich historic past, the depth of our bilateral ties across the world as well as being forerunners of key global, regional and multilateral institutions not only makes Ethiopia instrumental to BRICS bloc but a key voice for inclusivity in the global arena.”

He also pointed out that in joining the BRICS, Ethiopia aspires to build bridges, foster understanding and works towards a shared future that benefits all.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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