South, South-eastern Ethiopia Expects Above Normal Rainfall Due to El Niño

Ethiopian Meteorological Institute (EMI) said that due to El Niño epsode above normal rainfall will dominate across South and South-eastern Ethiopia.

In a National Outlook Forum held today at the Science Park on weather forecast of 2023/2024 , EMI Director General, Fetene Teshome said the rain will be the result of Positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), a phenomenal created due to difference in sea surface temperature between two areas and also because of El Niño epsode.

Moreover, heavy rainfall and flash flood is likely to prevail over some pocket areas, he said, adding much of the northern, north-eastern, eastern and central Ethiopia will have above normal and unseasonal rainfall.

The southwestern and western portions of the country will dominantly receive normal rainfall with occasional heavy rainfall pattern, the director said.

However, above-normal to slightly near-normal temperature is expected over the eastern, central and south eastern parts of the country, he said.

Regarding the Belg and Kiremt of 2024 rainfall, Fetene said EL NINO episode and positive IOD is expected to continue . Thus normal to above normal rainfall is forecasted across southern and southeastern portions of Ethiopia, he said.

State Minister for Agriculture, Meles Mekonnen, on his part said the above normal rainfall is expected to benefit agriculture, livestock, and water resources in the regions if properly utilized.

The Ministry will use the invaluable early warning provided by the institute to ramp up its support for the agriculture sector and minimize potential risks of flooding and landslides.

The above normal rainfall in some parts of the country, is a good opportunity to support Bega wheat irrigation projects if utilized properly, he said.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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