STMA impounds trucks conveying unauthorized gravel material

The Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) has impounded four trucks for conveying gravel material from an unauthorized excavation site at Butumagyebu (BU), close to the Adiembra Senior High School within the metropolis

The arrest followed a tipoff from a resident on the activities of a contractor illegally excavating and conveying gravel materials from the area, contrary to the Assembly’s by-laws on ‘Excavation of Gravel, Stone and Sand, 2017’.

A statement signed by Mr John Laste, the Public Relations Officer, STMA, said the Assembly’s task force, reaching the site, ordered the contractor to stop work and impounded the trucks for further investigations.?

The statement said the Assembly, in recent times, had been overserved with grave concern about the rampant unauthorized excavation of gravel, stones and sand in some areas within the Metropolis.?

It said: ‘The Assembly suspects clandestine collaboration among some traditional leaders, landowners, developers and officials of the Assembly – both st
aff and members for these unapproved excavations.’

The Assembly, therefore, entreated the public to report any suspected unauthorized excavation works including the conveyance of gravels in any part of the Metropolis to the authorities for appropriate action.

‘The Assembly is not oblivious to the need for gravel materials for the construction sector in the Metropolis and is open for formal conversation with any authorised individual or organization for controlled excavation works within a specified area and approved route for conveyance to minimise the destruction of vegetation and roads in the Metropolis,’ the statement added.

Meanwhile, the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE), Mr Abdul-Mumin Issah, together with a team of officers from the Assembly visited the site to inspect and assess the extent of excavation works done within the area.

The MCE reiterated his resolve not to permit the execution and hauling of gravel materials from any site by heavy trucks that could end up damaging the
arterial asphalted roads within the communities.?

‘As city authorities, we cannot sit aloof and watch some few individuals who have taken the laws into their hands by way of saying they have won a contract to supply laterite. The due process must be followed,’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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