UK Keen to Lift Bilateral Ties with Ethiopia to New Heights, Says Ambassador

United Kingdom (UK) is keen to enhance its relationships with Ethiopia that are instrumental in taking the bilateral ties to a higher level of cooperation, said Ambassador Darren Welch.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, British Ambassador to Ethiopia Welch said the two countries have really enjoyed a strong bilateral relationship.

Mentioning a longstanding relationship between Ethiopia and UK, we have been good friend countries through the good times and the times that have been more difficult, Ambassador Welch revealed.

As the two countries have always a relationship of mutual respect and understanding, the ambassador underscored there have still been tremendous opportunities that would elevate the relationship stronger as we go forwards.

According to him, his country is seeking ways to engage in broad development cooperation with Ethiopia.

‘Next year, Ethiopia will be the UK’s biggest partner for development cooperation. We are looking to support a very strong sector business environment reforms, bri
nging more investment, more predictability and security for investors to the mutual interests of the two countries. We’re also going to be investing in Ethiopia’s broader development,’ he said.

The ambassador also pledged that his country is going to support Ethiopia and the government’s plans to strengthen education. Welch added UK will strengthen support in the health sector as well humanitarian assistance.

Commenting about the anticipated Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, he said UK is strong supporters of the national dialogue.

‘We think it’s really important that this great country in all of its diversity, finds a way to have a discussion about the future that it wants. And that is able to come to peace in all parts of the country,’ he noted.

Acknowledging Ethiopia as a strong country, the Ambassador stated that the diversity should be a source of greatest strength.

‘I really believe that when Ethiopia is entirely in peace, there will be nothing that could stop this wonderful country’ Welch un

Historically, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom have enjoyed rich diplomatic relations covering a range of areas, including, but not limited to, trade, culture, education and development cooperation.

The two countries collaborate on a number of issues of common concern, forming a sound basis for their relations at the bilateral, regional and global levels, it was learned.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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