Update : Somali National Army destroys Al-Shabaab militants’ network near Bula-burte town

Somali National Army’s Commandos unit on Tuesday killed 25 Al-Shabaab militants and injured others after conducting special an operation at Mukeyle area west of Bula burte district in Hiiraan region Deputy Minister of Information of the Federal Government of Somalia, Abdirahman Yusuf Adala told Somali National News Agency (SONNA) that the army destroyed 16 vehicles in which the terrorists were preparing explosives at a big a garage in the area during the operation. ‘Somali National Army’s Danab unit conducted well-coordinated military operation at Mukeyle area near Bula-burte in Hiiraan region this morning, the forces destroyed militants’ intent to arrange vehicles with explosives, the attack inflicted heavy casualties on the militias’, Adala said. He added that the SNA, regional forces, and international partners are committed to eradicating terrorists throughout the country as soon as possible. The operation comes days before the Government plans to complete the first phase and launch the second phase of the total war on the group fighters in the southwest and southern parts of the country.

Source: Somali National News Agency

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