Victory Bible Church International, Cape Coast Province, celebrates 37th Anniversary

The Cape Coast Province of the Victory Bible Church International, on Sunday rounded off its 37th Anniversary with a joint Church service at the Family Sanctuary Cathedral in Cape Coast.

Activities for the weeklong celebration included special weekday services, prayer sessions and a provincial all-night to seek the face of the Lord for the Church and the nation.

Bishop Richard Ampadu Duku, the VBCI Sector Overseer of Central and Western, recounted how the Church was started in the mid 1980’s out of a singing group, Sunshine Family with just 10 members, mostly students.

The church, which now has 10 branches in Winneba, Apam, Saltpond, Efutu,  Elmina,  Jukwa and Ankaful  is doing well with many ordained bishops, Rev Ministers, elders and pastors.

There was spontaneous jubilation as the members, mostly dressed in white and the Church’s cloth, sang praises, danced, and worshipped God for sustaining them till now.

Bishop Ampadu Duku said the church was a testimony of what God Almighty could do in the lives of
his children.

He praised the Presiding Bishop of the Church, Right Reverend Nibii Appiakai Tackie-Yarboi  and the Apostolic Council of the Church for the tremendous support that had shaped the progress of the Provincial Church.

He noted that the gifting of God was needed more in those times to advance His work and prayed that God poured blessed the church with more members who would carry on His ministry.

Evangelists needed to preach the word of God to win souls for Christ.

Pastors are for the spiritual care of the congregation and could double as teachers to teach God’s word while Prophets who are the eye of God for the Church gave direction to make the work solid.

‘We need to pray for the birthing of the ministry gifts for the Church,’ Bishop Ampadu Duku emphasised and urged all Christians to live uprightly and make an indelible mark that would speak for generations yet unborn.

Prayers were said for the Church and the nation for peace and progress.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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