On Africa Day, AMISOM praises AU efforts towards peace and stability

Mogadishu–The African Union Mission in Somalia, AMISOM, today joined the rest of the world to celebrate Africa Day, which brings together African countries and other parts of the world in a reflection of the continent’s milestones, aspirations and challenges.

Africa Day commemorates the founding of the Organization of the African Unity (OAU) on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It was later replaced by the African Union (AU), under which AMISOM operates.

Delivering a public statement to mark the day, the Head of AMISOM and Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Commission for Somalia, Ambassador Francisco Madeira, said Africa Day presents an opportunity to take stock of the continent’s journey so far.

“We take stock of how far we have come — the social, political and economic progress that our beloved Africa has made, while also reflecting on the common challenges that the continent faces in realizing the dreams of its people to live in a united, free, peaceful and prosperous Africa,” said Ambassador Madeira.

Ambassador Madeira said the achievements of the AU peace support operations in Somalia and elsewhere in Africa are a vivid example of what the pan-African body is capable of achieving despite the challenges. He reiterated AMISOM’s confidence in the AU to steer the continent to prosperity.

“In Somalia, and in several other places, we have seen the important role that the AU can play in finding African solutions to African problems, in leading the efforts towards regional peace and stability, and in the overall development of the continent. Indeed, challenges remain but we trust in the AU to galvanise continued efforts to move Africa into a future of stability, prosperity, shared values, pan-Africanism and sustainable development,” added Ambassador Madeira.

Commemorated annually on 25 May, this year’s Africa Day is held under the theme: “Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa we Want.”

Source: Somali National News Agency

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